
5 Cases of Strange, Funny, and Tragic Coincidence

20 Cases of Strange, Funny, and Tragic Coincidence

Life is often colored by strange coincidence. Who knows? It might happens to you!

  • True Story made-up Competition
On the year 1979 Das Besteran German magazine, arrange this competition. Everyone who's participate in this competition have to made up story based on the true story. And the winner is Walter Kellner from Munich.

20 Cases of Strange, Funny, and Tragic Coincidence

Walter who turned out to be a pilot, wrote his experience while flying a Cessna 421 from Sardinia to Sicily. The Plane had a problem, then landed on water. He was able to survive using the emergency buoy, but adrift for quite long time before finally rescued.

This story was accidentally read by an Austrian with the same name! Even equally work as a pilot, and coincidentally again, Austrian Walter Kellner had a similar plane crash, same type of aircraft (Cessna 421) and equally taking the same route!

Strange but true: Austrian Walter accused Walter of Germany that he stole his story, leaving only the difference that Austrian Walter landed his plane on Sardinia, while German Walter crashed on Sicily

Das Besteran magazine gets a lot of complain, especially from Austrian Walter. and soon check the truth behind the story of two of them. 

Strangely, everything is real! It means, there are 2 Walter, from different countries, and experienced almost exactly the same events! How come huh?

  • The Tale of 2 Umberto
On 28 July 1900, Italian King Umberto I, enjoyed dinner at a restaurant in the city of Monza. 

It turned out that the owner of the restaurant has the exact same face, and shockingly have the same name as the King!

20 Cases of Strange, Funny, and Tragic Coincidence

In fact, when investigated further, Umberto's wife also had the same name as the Queen. More bizarre things that the restaurant was open premiered as the same date as the date of King's Umberto I innaguration.

The strange coincidence not stop here.. The next day, These two Umberto died! With the same cause, shot by a gun. 

Absolutely unbelievable!

  • The Story of Claude Volbonne
Claude Volbonne killed Baron Rodemire de Tarazone of France in 1872. These event are not famous because of this case. 

20 Cases of Strange, Funny, and Tragic Coincidence

But there is also someone named Claude Volbonne killed Baron Rodemire's father 21 years before he was killed!

  • The Story of Jean Marie Dubarry
On February 13 1746, a French citizen named Jean Marie Dubarry was executed for the murder of his own father. So where's the strange story? Where are the coincidence?

20 Cases of Strange, Funny, and Tragic Coincidence

Exactly 100 years later, on February 13 1846,  a Frenchman name Jean Marie Dubbary also executed with the same reason, because he also killed his own father...

  • The Greenberry Hill 
On November 26 1911, three men hanged in Greenberry Hill Prison, London. They were found guilty of the murder of Sir Edmund Berry.

20 Cases of Strange, Funny, and Tragic Coincidence

The same question, where are the coincidence?

It because the name of the victim, Sir Edmund Berry similar to name of Greenberry? Nope! 

Its because the murderer was respectively named, Green, Berry, and Hill! 


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