
5 Most Scariest Ghost Story In Japan

5 Most Scariest Ghost Story In Japan - As a country with a long cultural history, Japan has a lot of urban legends. Surely some of them are creepy. 

For example, the story of the death poem Tomino. And still there are some other stories that can make our skin crawl chilling.

Check out this 5 Most Scariest Ghost Story In Japan to start your nightmare

1. Hanako-San

Hanako story is arguably the most lurid stories popular among other horror legends in Japan. That is the little lady who haunts the women's restroom at school.

Hanako-san is said to be 'called' by way of knocking on the door of toilet three times, asking "Are you here, Hanako-san" ?. If there is an answer to the mysterious voice, then in a toilet cubicle will appear a girl with red skirt or all-white outfit.

There are many versions and stories about the history of Hanako-san. There is some mention that she was once a victim of bullying at school, but there are also those who say that she is a victim of the bombing school while playing hide and seek.

2. The Torn Mouth Girl Kuchisake Onna

Usually when we got some flu,  we may wear a mask so not to infect other people. Or some problems with smoke from forest fires in Sumatra also force people wearing masks to not infected by it. But be careful if you're in Japan, and met a woman wearing a mask at night, it could be she is Kuchisake Onna.

Being popular in Japan, Kuchisake Onna often appear in the deserted streets and ask the person in front of him if she is gorgeous. If the person answers yes, Kuchisake Onna will take off his mask and asked again: "Despite this?" While showing wound along the mouth to near both ears. If the answer is not met, then Kuchisake Onna would immediately kill his victim with scissors which she always carried.

There are two versions of the story of the history of the emergence of the most lurid stories of this. The most popular version says that once she was a samurai who is very beautiful concubine but love affair. When the affair was revealed, her husband was very angry and hurt Onna Kuchisake face from ear to ear.

While the other version says that he is the victim of a medical malpractice to be operated on. At that time she was anesthetized using foul-smelling oil. While it is operating, it can not be quiet because the pungent odor and the doctor accidentally tore his mouth using a scalpel.

3. Kashima Reiko

Horror legend Kashima Reiko very popular in the area of Hokkaido. She is a tangible Japanese women with two separate entities at the waist.

The legend said that on a night Kashima Reiko was harassed by a mob of men. Kashima Reiko cried for help but nobody heard. She then crawled into unconsciousness at a railroad until the train comes and divides her body into two parts.

Since then, Kashima Reiko becoming famous urban legend about a woman who is looking for other body parts. These ghosts are often told appearing in school bathrooms and office buildings around Hokkaido.

4. Himuro Mansion

Have you played a Top Horror Video Game "Fatal Frame"? If yes, would be familiar with the story of Himuro Mansion. Because the game was taken from a true story and including this place Himuro Mansion.

Himuro Mansion is a traditional Japanese house which has an area large enough and located in a steep rocky area on the border of Tokyo. This place became famous because it  happened some massive slaughter there.

It said, a large family of Himuro are adherents of the ancient Shinto and considered as an obedient ancient cultural family. One of the rituals that are still running are The Strangling Ritual which aims to protect the Himuro family of bad karma. This tradition is carried out every 50 years by choosing a baby girl of the family to be raised in secret and isolated from the outside world.

When the ritual is executed, this girl herded out by the neck, hands and feet tied to a herd of cows or horses that would pull away this girl into pieces.

There is one version which, in a local story mentioned that this girl falls in love with the man who saved her from this deadly ritual. Knowing this, Himuro family head to his house, then immediately take the sword and kill all the members of his family brutally.

5. Noppera-bō

Noppera-bō which means Flat-Face Ghost, is one of the oldest urban legends in Japan. His form is the same as an ordinary person, it's just flat face without eyes, nose and lips.

She often appears suddenly and spoke kindly to others. Originally her interlocutor did not realize when she was talking to Noppera-bō. When his opponent realized that she was it, Noppera-bō immediately showed his face flat and make interlocutor scuttled.

Well, that's 5 Most Scariest Ghost Story In Japan may add your Horror Story

Source: http://kumpulan-berita-unik.blogspot.com/2013/10/Kisah-Paling-Seram-Di-Jepang.html#ixzz3MPdsHZTF

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