
7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God John Lennon

Here are 7 people that died tragically, because insulting God! Yes, they frankly insulting God, and they done it on public! Check this out, who knows your favourite idols are in this list.

Mankind, each day they thought that they are more greater than God. They feel they can do everything more than their own Creator ability. Sometimes they forget that He is the One, the only Almighty. 

Here are the real example of people who died because trying to claim greater than Him:

1. John Lennon, The Beatles

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God John Lennon

Maybe some of you still remember or know this epic interview between him and London Evening Standard. In this interview he make a huge controversy statement, which something like this; "Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn't to argue about it. I'm right and I'll be proved right, we are more popular than Jesus now. I don't know which will go first , rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right, but His teachings were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me" (1966). After that statement published, he later shot by his own fans, Mark David Chapman.

2. Tancredo Neves, President of Brazil

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God Tancredo Neves

When his campaign begin, he said, if he got 500.000 voice/support from his party members or people, no one can ever bring him down from the presidential position, even the God Himself. And yes, he got a 500.000 supports, but a day before his inauguration, he was sick and died.

3. Cazuza, Brazil Artist (Composer & Singer)

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God Cazuza

When he smoke a cigar, he spouted the smoke into the air and said. " God, this is for you." at age 32, he died of lung cancer

4. Marilyn Monroe (USA Artist)

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God Marilyn Monroe

She was visited by Billy Graham. Billy, after leading a worship revival, which he said that, God send him to her to let her know about something. After listening to Billy statement, she then said," I don't need your Jesus." a week after, she was found dead in his apartment.

5. Bon Scott (AC/DC Ex Vocalist)

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God Bon Scott AC/DC

On one of his song, on 1979  he said," Don't stop me, I'm on my way to hell." and on 19 February 1980, he was found dead because of choked by his own gag.

6. Campinas (2005)

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God Campinas

One day, a group of drunk boys , picking up their female friend using a car. Because her mother was worried, she accompany his daughter until she is inside the car. The mother than said,"God will always be with you my dear." Her daughter answered," Yeah, He can, but if He can sit and fit on the car trunk. Because it's full here." Then couple of hours later in that day, the car was found having a fatal accident and nearly un-recognizeable or unidentifiable. The most unbelievable thing occur though, the car trunk remain not damaged at all, and even a box of chicken eggs remains whole, undamaged.

7. The creator of Titanic (1912)

7 People That Died Tragically Because Insulting God Thomas Andrews Titanic

You knows about Titanic right? It's creator, once said proudly," This ship will never sink, even by God!" And you already knows what happen next...

There you go, the complete stories of "7 People That Died Tragically, Because Insulting God"

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