
10 Most Common Scam On Facebook

 Facebook Scam

Do you want to know how many people visit your Facebook page? Want to know as well anyone who has removed you from the list of friends? Bored with aquamarine Facebook and want to change it?

Naturally, you want it all. And, hey, no service message exactly as we want on top.

Do not like it. It only acts of trickery that are most likely carrying a dangerous virus. If accepted and followed the instructions, the risk is not only damaging the computer, but also your personal data may be stolen.

Digital security firm Bitdefender has recorded 10 species of scam (fraud) is most common on Facebook, and claimed to represent Facebook. His name is also a scam, of course, the claim was false.

Here are 10 of the scam list, in order of how many people have seen or visited:

1. Total profile views / visitors (30.20 percent)
Application that allows you to see how many visitors your Facebook and who they are. This feature does not exist.

2. Change your Facebook Color / Colour (7.38 percent)
Facebook does not like the media MySpace: you cannot change the basic color.

3. Rihanna sex tape with her boyfriend (4.76 percent)
There is no Rihanna sex videos circulating, no DVD or MP4 porn Rihanna.

4. Check my status updates to get free Facebook T-shirt (4,21persen)
The promise of a free t-shirt sounds interesting. However, you will not be able to get it via Facebook.

5. Say goodbye to Blue Facebook (2.76 percent)
Again, blue FB that you cannot change now.

6. Unsealed. We are giving them away for free (2.41 percent)
Beware the free gift offer electronic products (iPhone, iPad, Beats headphones, etc) on Facebook. All this is mostly a scam.

7. Check if a friend has deleted you (2.27 percent)
There is no website that can help you see who has deleted friendship on Facebook.

8. See your top 10 profile peepers here! (1.74 percent)
This persuasion that you can monitor anyone who visited your FB site. That way, almost always scams.

9. Find out how to see WHO Viewed your profile (1.55 percent)
Again, you cannot know who is visiting.

10. Just changed my Facebook theme. It's amazing (1.50 percent)
Is it true that there are many people who hate blue FB? After all, there's nothing you can do about it. Do not believe the offer to change the theme of your FB page.

Source ; Keepo.me

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