
4 Billionaire That Became Poor

4 billionaire that became poor no 1. Jordan Belfort

Anyone in this world would agree, that going free-and-easy to spend money, would be a terrible way to live your life. Here you go, the "4 Billionaire That Became Poor"

No matter how much money or wealth you have in this world. in the end it's all for nothing. But, what if you spent it unwisely? Or maybe doing something stupid that may cause all of it gone just like that?

Many of this people in this list never thought or dream about going broke like this, as well as people who knew them before. 

Let's see our list of 4 billionaire that became poor,

4 billionaire that became poor no 1. Jordan Belfort

4 billionaire that became poor no 1. Jordan Belfort

In our list, there is the famous Jordan Belfort, why? you might want to read it his stories until the end here. 

Jordan Belfort have a wealth for around 250 million dolars in this age of 25. On the year 90's, his investment firm Stratton Oakmont can shake and show off to the Wall Street. 

Jordan is a well known ambitious stock broker. His ability to persuade his client or investor, giving him the fortune to be rich. But Jordan having this "lavish: kind style of life, which, for example; throwing parties, drugs consuming, and any other bad things that would cost his money.

Until then he make a choice to manipulate a stock market and money laundring in Switzerland that would make him going criminal. Because of his action, he have to serve 4 years in prison, and 100 million dolars of fine. In the end he goes broke. But then, he continue his life and becoming a motivator. 

His life was made into movie which named, "Wolf of Wall Street"

4 billionaire that became poor no 2. Sir Allen Stanford

4 billionaire that became poor no 2. Sir Allen Stanford

This guy ever have his name in the list of "The Richest People in The World" on Forbes version. With the total wealth around 2.2 Billion US $, this Texas born man also have a an improvident life.

He loves to party and travel around the world using a 1st class services. But the fact is, his wealth coming from the investment scam. His crime got uncovered on 2009. Until then, he goes broke and must pay for the compensation to his investor that he tricked with. Now Allen serve a 110 years sentence in prison... what a waste...

4 billionaire that became poor no 3. Sean Quinn

4 billionaire that became poor no 3. Sean Quinn

Sean Quinn has been named as the "Richest People Ever" in Ireland on the year 2008. Sean is the owner of Anglo Irish Bank, that fund a lot of project in European Countries. 

Again, this man also lives his life lavishly and loved to stake his fortune blindly, in a no-good investment. In the end his investment made him lost around 2.8 billion US dolars just in a short time.

Now his wealth value just around 15,000 US $, which so far from his wealth back then.

4 billionaire that became poor no 4. Patricia Kluge  

4 billionaire that became poor no 4. Patricia Kluge

Patricia Kluge is a wife of a well known billionaire in the 90's, John Kluge. Patricia loved to spend their wealth by going to a socialite gathering and fashion show. Her behaviour also completed by her not-serious effort to develops her husband business.

That's why, Patricia going broke in just a short amount of time, and her big elegant house must goes to auction to pay her debt to the bank.

There you go, the list of "4 billionaire that became poor". Hope you guys can took lesson from this one. 

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