
Chihira Aico - The Android Robot

Chihira Aico
Source: Reuters/Rick Wilking

Very oddly woman appear in one of the biggest exhibition in the world. She appears very "formal" in mannerism, cute but had a pale expression shown. What could it be happen to her? Meet Chihira Aico

With a pink dress, "she" tells people around the exhibition that she is a newscaster, probably a cheerleader in the future. She adds to people around about what she can do with a delicate "communication" and explain her goals and potential.

Meet Chihira Aico, the Humanoid Girl! And she is Toshiba's Communication Android. 

In one of the biggest technology exhibition, International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that held in Las Vegas, Nevada, Chihira Aico was presented to show people that the age of modern humanoid or you can say "android" is arrived.

Chihira Aico
Source: News.com.au
Short brown hair, with Asian facial expression made her get the most attention. Why not? Nowadays people surely gets very excited to see "robots" blend in with our daily life. Especially, when she was created to help people communicate or to communicate with them. 

The creator, Hitoshi Tokukda told, Chihira Aico only needs one and half years to create, using  Osaka University Research and combined with Toshiba's technology. 

The reason behind "Her" creation, at first was to perform sign language for the hearing impaired and translate different sign language styles.

Chihira Aico
Source: Supplied

And her potential could be more than what she is capable now. One day, she can perform tasks such as, reception, psychiatrist, or could be a tourism guide. 

She is considered not so advanced at the moment, in the near future, she surely can perform tasks mentioned above easily. 

With this huge potential, Tokuda also hope that Chihira Aico can start to work within next year, with the assistance of human operator to help her in case of more complicated questions or communications.

Chihira Aico
Source: Toshiba
What do you think? Do you feel excited that our world has been changed so much? With this advance technology, Robots, will developed into Android, and then Humanoid.

We can still hope for now, that Chihira Aico the Android Girl would answer all those questions, and brought us the face of our future.

Tell us what your opinion about this in comment box below! 



Image Courtesy of News.com.au & Toshiba

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